المقادير تحضير العجينة 2 كوب (250ج) دقيق 1 كوب ماء 3 بيضات 1 ملعقة ...
Ingredients For the dough 2 cups (250g) flour 1 cup water 3 eggs 1 tbsp (10g) cornstarch 1/4 cup (50 ml) oil A pinch of sal...
المكونات: عبوة رقائق الجلاش 2 كوب (300 جم) فستق مفروم ½ كوب (100 جم) زبدة م...
Ingredients: Phyllo pastry sheets 2 cups (300g) blended pistachios ½ cup (100g) melted butter 2 tbsp orange blossom water 3 ...
Kids, get ready for school! Parents, get ready for work! Maintaining a work-life balance is never an easy task. And when you have school-age chi...
As the holy month of Ramadan approaches, we all recall the good deeds we’ve planned to do but we weren’t lucky enough to have them all done. A...
It isn\'t easy to find all your grocery needs in one place. Sometimes, you need that particular herb to make the perfect dish, or perhaps you\'re ...
A cozy and warm winter night is the happy finale of a long day spent at work or running errands and household chores. And what’s better than a h...
Finding the perfect snack that pairs perfectly with your cup of coffee and complements its taste is sometimes as challenging as finding the perfec...
Breadfast was selected as a Y Combinator (YC) Top Company, the first company in the MENA region to be recognized alongside 40 fast-growing, hig...
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