Breadfaster Spotlight: How Heba’s creativity creates a greener world for us
Spotlight, Breadfast Special

Breadfaster Spotlight: How Heba’s creativity creates a greener world for us

Introducing the Breadfaster Spotlight

We’re so excited to share a new section of the blog with you, the Breadfaster Spotlight! We have been so inspired and humbled by the stories you share with us, that we knew we needed to share the positivity with everyone else too. We are reminded every day of the fact that we serve the best customers ever! Thank you for sharing your stories with us, and keep them coming. 

Meet Heba

Meet Heba, a beautiful and talented mommy of two, who worked as a tour guide for Japanese tourists, and helps her children create these amazing pieces out of our Breadfast packaging. Thanks to her parents, and her extensive study and appreciation of Japanese culture, Heba is a strong advocate for creative sustainability.


While she was growing up, Heba’s mother reduced plastic use in their family, and her father was an engineer who encouraged everyone to use all natural materials at home. So even from a young age, Heba grew up with a strong love for nature and environmentally-friendly products. As a Japanese tour guide today, Heba is also very influenced by Japanese culture: adopting their respect for the environment, their punctuality, and zero-waste culture. She learned that the Japanese were so conscious of sustainability that they would even reused recycled papers in their curriculum! 

When she tried our Kahk a year ago, Heba became a Breadfast customer because she loved the genuine, homemade, and authentic taste of our Kahk! (To read more about our secret ingredient, check out our post here.) When she receives her Breadfast orders, Heba reuses our products to create these amazing crafts, or encourages her children to paint on our paper bags with watercolors. Her husband and her community’s encouragement of her creative pursuits inspires her. Heba’s motto is to “see the beautiful” in life, and to constantly search for quality. In her spare time, she loves cooking and photography, especially because her father was an excellent photographer, and because the Japanese also have a strong appreciation for photography. 

Finally, Heba’s favorite Breadfast product? A breakfast essential for her and the kids – the brioche! 

Watch Heba’s recycling a Breadfast bag from here: Heba Ibrahim Recycling Breadfast Bag

Do you have a story you would like to share? 

We’d love to hear it! Reach out to us at [email protected] 




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